
Researchers at the Boston University of Medicine reported on the Boston Conference of the American Society of Biochemistry and Microbiology that the consumption of mushrooms containing vitamin D2 can increase and maintain the vitamin D level as effectively as dietary supplements containing vitamin D2 or D3.

Vitamin D is essential in terms of a proper health of bones and muscle strength. Its appropriate level helps the body to reduce the risk of bone fractures, osteomalacia, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis by the preservation of healthy bone density. The nutrients may play a significant role in the immune system’s fight against infections, and also reduce the risk of many common diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression and diabetes.
In the course of a recent research 30 healthy adults were divided randomly into 3 groups: the first group took 2000 international units (IU) of vitamin D2 through 12 winter weeks, the second group 2000 international units of vitamin D3 and the third one took a kind of mushroom powder containing 2000 international units of vitamin D2.
The initial serum 25(OH)D, the unit of the participants’ vitamin D level did not show any difference among the groups. The serum level was gradually increasing in all groups and on the seventh week it peaked which remained on the following five weeks. After the twelve weeks significant difference in the serum 25(OH)D level could not be experienced among the three groups.

“Our results prove that the consumption of mushrooms exposed to ultraviolet radiation and containing vitamin D, can be an excellent source of vitamin D, with which it is possible to improve the vitamin D status of adults. According to our research, the consumption of this type of mushroom can increase and maintain the vitamin D level as effectively as taking supplements containing vitamin D2 or D3 can do. “ as the leader of the research, Michael F. Holick sums up the results.