
Corporate Social Responsability

Sustainable enterprise, sustainable community and growth

In our rapidly changing world, any successful business must remain aware of the needs of both the community and the planet. Bio-Fungi Ltd. therefore places particular emphasis on social responsibility, focusing on the foloowing pillars.

1. GoPink

Health consciousness and the promotion of healty living are close to our hearts at Bio-Fungi Ltd., thus we regard it as extremely important to sponsor campaings aimed at preventing diseases such as breast cancer.

Launched in 2012, our GoPink! campaign highlights the importance of screening and to support anti-cancer activities. When combined with a healthy diet and anactive lifestlye, mushrooms can help to reduce high oestrogen levels, a risk factor that contributes to the emergence of the disease. This is the only reason why our company feels involved in the struggle. Every October, as part of the campaign, we deliver our mushroom products in pink trays to our supermarket partners because it is the official color in the fight against breast cancer. We support the struggle against the diease with a certain amount of the revenue of the sales of these specially packaging products.

2. School Mushroom Project


Uniquely, we were the first in the country to launch our program called School Mushroom in the spring of 2016, which aims to get students to know the world of mushrooms in theory and practice and to understand how special the mushroom is and a very delicious food.

3. Healthy diet

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In the region where we are based (Áporka, Ócsa), we contribute to the health of local communities by offering fresh mushrooms to public institutions, events, schools, kindergartens, competitions and other sport events.

4. Charity

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Our company supports the work of Hungarian charities, the Hungarian Food Bank Association and other socially beneficial initiatives.

5. Sustainability


Mushroom cultivation is very beneficial in terms of sustainability, in fact it can also be considered as a modern recycling, since it uses agricultural by-products from other sectors of agriculture (straw, chicken and horse manure) to produce mushroom compost. This makes mushroom cultivation sustainable and the mushroom industry a perfect partner for other agricultural sectors.

Cultivated mushrooms has a very low ecological footprint. Only 7 liters of water and 1 kW of energy are needed to produce one kilogram of mushrooms, which corresponds to 0.3 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. In the modern, computer-controlled mushroom growing houses, micro-irrigation is implemented, i.e. the water needed for mushroom growth is fully utilized. We do not use pesticides in mushroom cultivation, and we disinfect the growing houses with steam, so the environmental impact is even lower. In addition, a solar system supports our energy supply at both of our locations. Another advantage of growing mushrooms is that spent mushroom compost can be used for soil improvement (e.g. production of potting soil), thus producing even less waste.